Voters' protest in Moldova

Chisinau, 10th April 2009: After the 5th April Parliamentary elections in Moldava there have been hold mass
protests agains the allegedly manipulated election results which brought 49,5 %
for the ruling communist party. According to eye witnesses up to 15.000 mostly
young people have joined the protests on April 6th. The development turned
tragic when unsanctioned protests continued on April 7th when more than 300
protesters have been detained, two died, dozens have been hurt and allegedly
tortured being in detention.

Find here a collection of the events compiled by Moldovian journalists.

Detailed information about the background of the protest in Moldova you may
find on the livejournal of Natalia Morar, Moldovian journalist, one of the co-
organisers of the youth protests on 6th April. Today she is under house arrest,
latest information from her dates from April 10th (in Russian language).

Reports of independent election monitoring network you may find under

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