Ukraine 2015 Local Elections: EPDE Experts Reports

Berlin, November 2015

During the Local Elections in Ukraine held on October 25 and November 15, 2015 20 EPDE experts and observers analyzed key issues of the election process. The project was founded by the European Union, the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Polish-German Cooperation Foundation.

Election experts of the EPDE report on key aspects of the Ukraine Local Elections held in October and November 2015:  new election law, campaign in Donbass, so called "fake observation" and voting oportunities for Internally Displaced Persons. Also, 15 EPDE members assess the election day proceedings.The research project was founded by the EU, the German GIZ and the German-Polish Cooperation Foundation.

See here for a series of preliminary assessments and conclusions (in Russian, English version to be published by the end of November).

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