Public Discussion "European Union, the Netherlands and Ukraine: perspectives and benefits of cooperation"

Berlin, 13 March 2016

Since Ukraine declared its Independence in 1991 the European integration and close cooperation with European countries were announced to be a priority of Ukrainian foreign policy. The qualitatively new form of bilateral relations launched the signing and ratification of Ukraine – EU Association Agreement that is based on the principles of political association and economic integration. What advantages brings the Association Agreement for EU Member States and Ukraine? What are the benefits of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) for the EU and Ukraine? How could EU, the Netherlands and Ukraine profit from sustainable cooperation? What is the added value for both sides?

The Kiev Dialogue with support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Foundation “Ukrainians in the Netherlands” are pleased to invite you to the public discussion with the European, Dutch and Ukrainian politicians along with Ukrainian opinion leaders who will talk on EU – Ukraine relations.

Program of the public discussion in English and Dutch 

Please, confirm your attendance until March 21st per Email to

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