Public discussion : 13 Hostages Of Putin: How Can We Release Them?

Kyiv, 22 October 2015

Savchenko, Sentsov, Kohver - these are the best known names of citizens of neighboring countries, kidnapped and falsely accused in Russia. How many more? - We do not know. How to help them?

The Kiev Dialogue, along with the Open Dialog Foundation, the EuroMaidan SOS and People in Need have an honour to invite you to a panel discussion around three key questions and areas:

- What consequences should be drawn against the people, involved in kidnapping and imprisonment of
citizens of neighboring countries in Russia?
- How to help political prisoners - when does the publicity save lives, and when does it close the road to freedom?
- How to monitor the situation of political prisoners sentenced to long-term prison sentences?R.S.V.P. -

More information on the event you can find here.

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