Podium discussion with a film screening on the topic "Innovative energy concepts for Germany and Ukraine", May 26, 2016

Berlin, 10 May 2016

On May 26, 2016 Kiev Dialogue is holding the podium discussion with a film screening on the topic "Innovative energy concepts for Germany and Ukraine" in Goslar, Germany. During the public discussion, the following questions will be debated: What does the European energy policy mean for Ukraine and Niedersachsen and what innovative European energy concepts are appropriate for Ukraine? How fast is energy revolution in Ukraine expected to happen and what players need support on this way? The main speakers of the discussion will be Roman Zinchenko, an expert in renewable energy from "Greencubator", Ukraine; Julia Verlinden, member of the German Parliament, spokewoman for Energy Policy, Germany; and Mykhaylo Gonchar, energy expert, president of the Center for Global Studies "Strategy XXI", Ukraine. The discussion will be moderated by Viola von Cramon, former member of German Parliament, Alliance 90 / The Greens.

Together with the discussion, the quests will have an opportunity to attend film screening "POWER TO CHANGE - The energy Rebellion" about the benefits of decentralized energy production, thanks to which Germany and other countries, such as Ukraine, can be powered up to 100% by renewable energy.

Please register until 23. Mai 2016 at:

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