Network of Domestic Election Monitors in Belarus 2007 - 2008

Berlin, 1st October 2008: During 2007 and 2008 European Exchange gGmbH together with the Belarusian Human Rights organisations Viasna and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee has cooperated in setting up a network of domestic election monitors in Belarusian regions and Minsk. Aimed at addressing the lack of free and fair elections in Belarus which is an indispensable precondition for democratization of the country, the project was an important step for providing the Belarusian and international public with authentic information on the conduction of the Parliamentary elections in Belarus in September 2008. Within the framework of the project a network of domestic election observers consisting of 300 local election observers, coordinators and local journalists has been established in Belarus. The participants have been prepared for observing the elections and have been sensitized for all relevant rules and regulations related to the election process in seminars in advance. The project was financially supported by the European Union and the German and Lithuanian Foreign Ministries. 

To learn more about the outcomes of the election monitoring process click here
To learn more about the Belarusian Helsinki Committee click here

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