Berlin, 23th June 2011: Since April 2011 European Exchange is cooperating with the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections in Moldova. Local elections of June 5 and 19th resulted with the opposition Moldovan Communist Party (MCP) getting 4.077 mandates of local councilors and mayors.

According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), the elected 203 mayors, 434 raion and municipal councilors and 3.440 rural and town councilors are from the MCP. The 2nd ranked the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (LDPM), which has 3.627 thousand elected representatives, including 286 mayors. The 3rd is the Democratic Party – 2.709 thousand (220); the 4th – the Liberal Party with 1.388 thousand and 97 respectively. The new city major of the capital Chisinau is Dorin Chirtoaca from the Liberal Party who had a narrow victory over Igor Dodon from the Communist party with 50,6% to 49,5%.

Please find the monitoring report of the local elections here

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