Democracy through education in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine

Berlin 1st July 2007: “In each school, there is an island of democracy. It is essential to find it and support it.” Stephan Malerius, ex-project coordinator at the German-Russian Exchange, and Annegret Wulff, officer at the Theodor-Heuss-Kolleg, have carried out in 2006 a research in partnership with the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” on learning democracy at school in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The study, published in July 2007, is based on school visits, but also interviews of teachers, politicians and representatives of NGOs. Stephan and Annegret were both backed up by the European Exchange and the German-Russian Forum. Please contact us if you wish to receive a hard copy of the report.
Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future"
Democracy through education in Belarus (German, pdf, 828 Kb)
Democracy through education in Russia (German, pdf, 1.090 Kb)
Democracy through education in Ukraine (German, pdf, 824 Kb)

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