Call for mini-grant applications

Tscherkassy, June 13, 2017

Within the project of Kyiv Dialogue and with the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the Coalition of public associations “Moloda Cherkachshyna” (Ukraine) encourages public associations and foundations from Lwiw, Volyn, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk, Odessa, Mykolajiw, Tscherkassy, Dnipropetrovsk, Charkiw Oblasts, as well as from government-controlled territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts to apply for a mini-grant.

The aim of the competition is to promote social cohesion and mutual understanding in society, improve urban space and solve certain problems of local authorities. Projects should be devoted to urban development; the significance of issues should be justified by the local/regional authorities.

Deadline:  July 17, 2017

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